Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Welcome to our family!

I want to take this post and introduce my family since they are the biggest part of my life and obviously I will be talking about them constantly

First, we have Big Daddy.
He is the bread to my butter, the yin to my yang, my everything. We have been together for almost 10 years and married for 6 1/2. We didn't always have the smoothest relationship when we were dating, but have an excellent marriage that we work so hard to keep strong. He has taken care of me and the boys while I've worked towards my nursing degree, and he has really been my rock. He kills bugs for a living, and he's also into playing his XBOX and rough housing with the boys.

My oldest is S. He is 7 (for another month!), and he is obsessed with Minecraft. 97% of our conversations revolve around the house he has built, the creepers he has killed, and a diamond sword. I have no idea what he's doing on there most of the time. S was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder and Autism when he was 4, Epilepsy when he was 5, and ADHD at 6, so the last few years have been a whirlwind of specialists, therapists, and medication trials. We have been seizure free for a year now, and we were discharged from all therapies earlier in the school year. He's doing wonderful, and is a true testament to the benefits of early intervention and intensive therapy. He's in 1st grade this year, and I'm SO proud of how much progress he has made.

My middle son is G. He is 5 and is enjoying Kindergarten this year. He is truly the sweetest and most eager to please of all of my children. He is so proud of the fact that he has gone all year without pulling any pins and getting into trouble. He is also my most sensitive child- when he does get in trouble, he really beats himself up about it. He is playing T-Ball this Spring/Summer and it is the cutest thing EVER. G loves T-Ball, hanging out with his daddy, and talking my ear off about anything and everything.

My youngest is F. He's 4 and in Pre-K (F and G are 15 1/2 months apart!) at the same school as his brothers. He is such a little charmer and is destined to become my lady killer. He is also crazy smart, and he loves to hatch diabolical plans to annoy his brothers. He also has the sweetest side- I can't leave the house without a hug and a kiss from F and he has to tell me "Love you SO much" every night at bedtime. I love snuggling with him, as he's the only one who really cuddles with me anymore.

We also have two cats: Fiona and Lightning McQueen. Fiona is a typical, lazy house cat. The only person she really likes is Big Daddy and I usually refer to her as his girlfriend, which he doesn't find as funny as I do....

Lightning is wild and perfect for a house full of boys- he's constantly escaping from the house and bringing us presents in the form of small rodents. S is his best friend in the whole world and he sleeps with him every night, which is the sweetest thing.

And the world's dumbest dog: Jewel. We rescued her and she has anxiety. She loves to chew door frames and dog kennels, but we love her anyway.

So, welcome to my family! I'm so excited to share our life with y'all!

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